Monday, October 22, 2007


Everyday i stay here
pretty much from the first time i was brought
haven't moved an inch in years.
i've had a good life
somedays i work hard and long
and somedays nobody bothers to switch me on.
i sit,i watch!!
The little girl plays with my keys
puts it in her mouth and drulls
i see her take baby steps towards me
then with all her little might
delt me a soft blow.....
she looks at me in antisipation,waiting patiently.
i sit,i watch!!
The father takes control...
god i hate him!
just doesnt seem to give it a rest
surfing through most of my alternatives
he's the mighty lord of the pests!
i sit,i watch!!
The mother is sweet
or so she seems
watch's commercial of soaps and creams
cries and laughs at the same time...
and calls me "the idiot box"
i sit,i watch!!
Though all my fondness is for the lady
who visits me every morning
she doesnt want anything from me
but cleans me like..i'm her own!
i sit,i watch!!
Years have passed since....
feelings have changed
if you dont grow you die.
my life's "full stop"
seems to have arrived!
i sit,i watch!!
In a matter of time
i shall say...
i sat,i watched!!

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