Saturday, March 29, 2008


He had a charm,
he had a style,
he had that something...
he had it all that brought me a smile.
He strung a chord,
the very first time,
unknown as he was,
there was something mine.
He made me feel precious,
he made me feel wanted,
he gave me a feeling so glorious,
he gave me love that was potent.
He heard my non stop babble,
he always said he understood,
my words which were stones and pebbles,
were better with him but with me they never could.
He made everybody love him more,
my friends,my family,my dog,
teasing me with his well kept scores,
he was one proud hog!!
He was a man to the world,
he was a baby to me,
to him, i am his thing of beauty...
and his joy forever!!


ಮಲ್ಲಿಕಾಜು೯ನ ತಿಪ್ಪಾರ said...

``HE''... This very nice... poem. And too atractive also.. ur poetry skills are ver high... According to me...

Keep it up...

Niveditha Sunderraj said...

Hey, nice poem! Pleasant read! :)

xyls said...

hey thanks a lot...its very inspirin to know that my scribbles on the tissue papers are liked by somebody!!thank you with all my heart!